Church of Our Lady of the Candelaria

Had its golden era between the 17th and 19th centuries when the island’s bourgeoisie frequently used it for religious ceremonies

The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Church of Our Lady of the Candelaria) is in the north of Fuerteventura, in the town of La Oliva.

It was built in the 17th century and had its golden era between the 17th and 19th centuries when the island’s bourgeoisie frequently used it for religious ceremonies. In the 20th century, it was declared a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC).


At an architectural level, la Iglesia de La Candelaria is made up of three covered naves illuminated by two elegant oculi in its lateral naves. These are accessed by a huge door anchored to the main nave and presided over by a Catholic cross.

On one of the sides stands the tower that houses the bell, built with dark stone in contrast to the rest of the church, which is light in colour. This tower has a long history, as it used to serve as a watchtower for the pirate attacks that Fuerteventura suffered in centuries past.


Now in the inside of the Church, we are met with different paintings of evident Christian inspiration, mainly be Juan de Miranda, an important Canarian painter who carried out his work during the 18th century.

Inside, we also find the image of the Virgen that gives their name to the church, the Virgin of Candelaria, in honour of which a procession is held each 2nd February.

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Plaza la Iglesia, 2, 35640 La Oliva
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